
ecomo 一目科技

Company Webiste: https://www.ecomo.io/ Lack of a simple yet effective pollution detector has been a major issue in this battle with water contamination. We developed the first portable and affordable device that is capable of detecting a number of water quality characteristics, including Total Organic Carbon (TOC), turbidity, Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), heavy metals, and bacteria[…]



Company Webiste: https://www.virzoom.com/ VirZOOM creates unique VR games and a custom VR game controller to deliver an exciting, discomfort-free VR gaming experience with measurable health and wellness benefits. Bicycles are five times more efficient than walking. They amplify your personal power to carry you 10 miles with the same energy you need to walk two[…]

portfolio-snore circle 云中飞

Snore Circle 云中飞

Company Webiste: https://www.snorecircle.com 深圳市云中飞电子有限公司云中飞止鼾仪是一款专注人体睡眠的高科技电子产品,目的是为人体治疗睡眠时打鼾。外形由红点设计团队设计,符合人体工程学,20克轻如羽翼的机身,采用食品级硅胶为外壳材料,医疗级的绿色无创伤止鼾效果,悄无声息地呵护您每一个睡眠。 工作原理:提取使用者的鼾声和打鼾时引起的脑骨振动进行数字信号处理,通过语音识别技术和振动模式匹配对人体打鼾进行准确判断,然后实施由弱到强的物理干预(声音+振动)。工作过程为侦测到使用者鼾声后0.1秒启动检测,0.8秒完成检测,0.05~0.20秒进行物理干预,故能在较短的时间内、不影响使用者睡眠的情况下达到立即止鼾的效果。 核心技术:一是侦测打鼾的独家技术;二是通过高效低功耗的CPU控制,运用独有的核心算法准确判断出每位使用者不同的鼾声指数;三是及时准确的止鼾物理干预;四是能通过App记录使用者的打鼾状况、止鼾效果及睡眠状况。 市场规模:根据多种调查数据,取中间值,并排除偶尔打鼾的人群,我们得到以下数据为中国打鼾人群的潜在市场为2亿,全球打鼾人群的潜在市场为10亿,存在巨大的市场规模。